Paul Robinson Poetry

Torch In Your Face: The Fug

The FugTorch in Your Face Spotlight Bio:graphie

THE FUG has previously featured in ezines OFF BEAT PULP and THE POETRY WARRIOR. THE FUG has featured in “SILENT REVOLUTION” magazine and Japanese arts magazine, “GAIJNGE”. THE FUG has produced a number of books of poetry and abstract diatribe – “iNK” (2006), “Tea and Pikelets” (2006), “The Fug” (2007), Donkeys (2007), “Nitrous Oxide” (2008), “Glitch” (2009). THE FUG is an occasional performer of spoken word. THE FUG has collaborated with sound artist, THOM TRANSPARENT, poet PAUL ROBINSON and Japanese shlock monsters of garage, THE PORKY STINKS. THE FUG WELCOMES IDEAS FOR COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS WITH WRITERS, SOUND ARTISTS AND MUSICIANS. THE FUG loves everybody. Very much indeed.”

The Fug reads The Dipsoglobose.

Biographical extract & image reproduced from The Fug’s Myspace

Dispersed Poetry + Poeteering

The combinatorial pastime of orienteering, puzzle-solving and cataloguing known as Letterboxing, crossbred [crumbs] with digital poetry forms anew sort of dispersed poetry; the letterboxer solving clues to amalgamate dispersed verse posted across various social networks. The reward, if required, is the complete work gathered by the Letterboxer. Transferred to our decaying cities, Poeteering, anew poetry of the city/internety, will complement the pub crawl or city Dérive, offering new roads of metropolis exploration; mobiles, notebooks and PDA’s providing enhanced interactivity.


Wakeful Horizontality + Net Prefix

Wakeful horizontality >>> unterbewusstsein excavation. Working from top to bottom, the dig uncovered a Net prefix bed. The first stratum was labelled Netocracy, but I’d seen this in the field before. A portmanteau of internet + aristocracy, invented by Wired and mapped by Alexander Bard and Jan Söderqvist. Below Netocracy rested two more conformable beds: the first Netricity, the second Neterature. Netricity, I’d imagined, was the wattage produced by the Net, the wattage required to power the Net, its insulated lifeblood. It revealed itself as merely a brand. I pencilled a temporary marker.

Neterature, another portmanteau, seemed self explanatory, its constituents more common. Further investigation led me to the Neterature organisation: a project of collective creation of hypertext and an endeavour parallel to my own. The formation was overlain with Neture. If Nature is the material world, then Neture is the internet or virtual world. I sought out neture in Neture and it appears to be more than just Neture.

The internet uncovers the parallel, but it facilitates the original.
